CSE-156: Data Structures Lab

Undergraduate Laboratory, Jahangirnagar University, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, 2019


After successful completion of this course, students should be able to:

  • Understand and apply basic data structures for storage and retrieval of ordered and unordered data.
  • Implement and characterize algorithms for creation and manipulation of data structures like stacks, queues, linked list, etc.
  • Interpret and apply appropriate data structures for implementing problem solving algorithms such as searching, insertion, deletion, traversing mechanism, etc., on various data structures.
  • Compute and characterize the efficiency of data structures for complex problem-solving algorithms; perform and demonstrate this knowledge and write report for realistic problem solving.
Lec-1String Processing (Insert, Delete, Search)
Lec-2Arrays (Indexing, Searching, Sorting)
Lec-3Linked List (Insert, Delete, Update)
Lec-7Tree-Part-I(Binary Tree, BST, Insert, Delete, Update)
Lec-8Tree-Part-II (Heap, Priority Queue)
Lec-9Graph Algorithms-Part-I (BFS)
Lec-10Graph Algorithms-Part-I (DFS)
Lec-11Union Find
Lec-12Minimum Spanning Tree